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Feelings with the machine

Feelings with the machine                 

Lisan al-Ma’ani                             

      What is destined in life are the
 different meanings that come together in various ways and ways until they meet a single logic and unifying goal.

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 Feeling: It is the feeling that occurs between that conscious heart and the things around it, whether far or near, for the sake of satisfaction and prediction of the future.


 This divine will occurred in order to create mutual harmony between different things.  Similar to this was the relationship between man and machine. Without that feeling, this exchange and harmony in shared knowledge would not have occurred.


 Machine: It is the medium or vessel that completes tasks with a person that, according to his conscious logic, are difficult to achieve in time and space.


 This interaction creates a kind of harmony and cognitive exchange between that mediator and the human being based on the inspirations of the previous time.  If you calculate the outcome of this mediator, you will find that for a person he can only make that difference.


 Languages: These are feelings that are combined between everyone in different ways in order to convey this knowledge through concrete, certain methods.

 Programming languages: These are the languages ​​of communication and approach between parties from the perspective of simple awareness (human and machine).


 Thus, this knowledge has grown throughout these different eras until today, and its line of progress will continue forever according to that common interaction between feelings.


 Do these feelings vary from one person to another with that machine?  Of course, contrast and harmony of various degrees occur, which in turn leads to arrangement in the various specializations, until there is a continuous balance in life.

 Thus, each individual can find what puts him in the appropriate place in life, as tools are varied and inclinations are determined until the void is filled.

 Thus we find from these tendencies what is called specialization.


 For example, in the Internet or the World Wide Web, various knowledge and arts are brought together so that joint exchange occurs through that connector.  The websites number in the millions and more, with the aim of conveying different knowledge and cultures.

 And the owner of this pen did not find a visitor, why?

 Because he has different feelings about that instrument, and it has become bitterly echoing in his chest with the feeling of a liar about his goodness. He does not aim for gain as much as he wants to deliver his message that has passed for many years in various ways. How many books has he written for a child so that he feels before he writes, for example, and how much?!!

 How many papers he threw away on the road! And his reward and the due of his pen are from God.

 Will the few visits disappear and become yellow instead of increasing?!

 This is what happens to him, and this is his patience and unity of perseverance for the sake of his Lord.

 He becomes tormented by the impossibilities of your reality, and this produces a stabbing feeling of collapse and loneliness.

 How many years has this site, 
                The tongue of meanings،been on the Internet until now, and it has not been archived on Google or elsewhere, despite every effort being made to do so? Why?

 Because the owner of the site cannot make the impossible with his feelings that belong to him with God a way for those visits, since honesty requires that, but that will result in bitterness, fire, and suffocation of his feelings, and soon you will certainly realize that you must know the truth and the important and valuable meaning that concerns you instead of the perceptions of those vile meanings on this site of mine.  Or in other locations, and each one has his own feeling and vision with his Lord. .

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قصائد متنوعة

حصن                      علم من باقي

                The tongue of meanings


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