The purposes of souls and the flow of souls/the tongue of meanings
All creatures turn to their Lord, seeking Him during the hours of the night and before sunset, and whenever that need arises for that divine essence that is indispensable in the endosperm of every soul.
This is due to that devotional destiny that is mixed with the feelings of every soul at every moment, no matter how much it drinks from the cup of disbelief or faith, because the All-Merciful Lord is the Provider and Preserver of every soul.... _____
When the night falls or the light shines during the day, the feelings of the creatures derive their light, the movement of their perseverance, their security, and their future. Their destinies are from that God.
Purposes of souls:
The soul in the language is the individual, and the proverbial soul that transcends others with the status of similarity. It also means the soul from which all movements and life energies are derived.
The soul is from the command of God and all those sciences and knowledge that are hardly numbered or finished were revealed only a little, as the Lord said in His verses. ____
No matter how much you seek to achieve any goal you have in modesty, you are indispensable to that spirit that provides yourself with all conscience of will, worship, patience, endurance and passion. Perhaps the simplest common expressions are from its word: spirit, spirit, from the verb go, and the spirits and the soul are upon those spirits, doing that diligently in their life and destiny, that body from which it is not permissible to be separated from it under any circumstances, and death is a transformation of that body that you see lying before your eyes..
? And does everything have it? A soul
Indeed, everything that God created has a soul, yes, and everything happened with a position of movement that rewards every section in every way of diversity that God has made, and every soul in the entire universe is accountable before God for every action and word, and accordingly it will find either reward or punishment, and the Lord is not unjust to His servants. . He is always a blessing to them
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