التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Differentiation between souls

Differentiation between souls / Lisan Al-Ma’ani website

 Every verse in the universe indicates the، Sunnah of obligation, without which existence will be drawn into extinction and annihilation, and all the verses of the divine heaven oblige every rational person to work of all kinds and warn against being led into neglect or abandoning these meals. The Lord has prepared a reward and a reward for every person who performs these duties, and a punishment for every neglector and sinner. 

These efforts come at levels that vary from one individual to another for the sake of that competition. Everyone knows that this is due to ways of imagining the one whose effort has reached the highest, and so on, and that the Sunnah of God arranges for all creatures the level of equality with all awareness, knowledge, and ability to bear every effort. What makes a difference in these efforts is when the person with the highest effort imagines and prevails over the whims of impossible postulates such as fate, which are written in the perceptions of negligence or inability, which is considered a crime because he is not entitled to the perceptions of predestination and destiny, which are specific to the Lord of the Pen. It is enough for him to be certain that God’s name is justice.

 Is that effort reflected in differences in levels of feelings in speech, writing, work, etc.? 

 Yes, that effort that has reached its owner creates differences with those who are below him in the clarity of his lines, the perfection of his speech, the height of his work, his appearance, and his behavior, because that effort helps him relate to others with less effort and knowledge, and for this reason it was necessary for him to change his mental and physical feelings so that he can stand with that difference and perform his duty and be one of He is satisfied on the conscious, emotional level. Therefore, the Lord created degrees that arrange every worker and his work, and each degree determines an approach to the Sunnah of discourse that passes to the degree below it, and so on.... __________ 

And after this and the like of this, even if God is the one who establishes and is the one who is responsible for souls, and what happens is that the feelings of creation are absent from me, so they become my tongue. My ears ring with pain, and what is in me, that universe changes for me, so the images become with meanings, and with this the issues of inability that fill me with bitterness. Perhaps the answer is, wish for what you want, and the bitterness that fills me is enough for me, and turn to the station of your Lord and your Master. There are only reasons in every soul that lead to that spiritual union in all parts of the globe, so it becomes an indispensable integration in the cycle of life.

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