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مشاركات متصدرة

Science and knowledge

Science and knowledge                 Everything has always undergone a year of continuity and modernity, and these stages of continuous development have occurred without fatigue or abundance.  This is the law of God in creation with all eternity.  You have learned that the Lord made time advance for you while preserving the past time and gave you a sense of the end of time with the continuity of the course of days and nights.  Science: It is the continuous search for the sake of seeking that renewed knowledge without fatigue or tirelessness, and therefore learning has become famous with the aim of reaching that comprehensive and developing knowledge.  Therefore, the source of knowledge was derived from the verb araf, and this comes after knowledge.  When this knowledge increased, it was constantly renewed and became divided into different, renewed sciences  Various specializations have become available in...
آخر المشاركات

God's name and translation

God's name and translation          Lisan al-Ma’ani                                Praise be to God, whose names are sanctified, who bestows blessings and creates darkness and light, and who has knowledge of all things, and who is the Creator of the pen, and who bestows His power on all things.  The name belongs to Him, and the status and majesty, for He is the Majestic One who created tongues despite their differences and their regions being far apart.  Nouns: It is everything that denotes a given name, and it is a form of differentiation and distinction. Almost all nouns accept definition or something that takes its place, including proper nouns.  The names belong to God: God is the name that is characterized by perfection, far above every image and example. He alone is characterized by the quality of a name.  As for other of His creatures, the meaning of ...

Feelings with the machine

Feelings with the machine                         Lisan al-Ma’ani                                     What is destined in life are the  different meanings that come together in various ways and ways until they meet a single logic and unifying goal.  - - - -  Feeling: It is the feeling that occurs between that conscious heart and the things around it, whether far or near, for the sake of satisfaction and prediction of the future.   �������������������������   This divine will occurred in order to create mutual harmony between different things.  Similar to this was the relationship between man and machine. Without that feeling, this exchange and harmony in shared knowledge would not have occurred.  ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ  Machine: It is the medium or vessel th...

The relationship between machines and people

The relationship between machines and people                 (the tongue of meaninge)                                                            Knowledge in every time and place is characterized by that sense that immortalizes the meaning of that mutual existence, which summarizes that vitality that takes the direction of integration in the structure.  ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅  Perhaps part of that sense is the mutual relationship between man and machine, and whenever a change is created throughout the ages, it occurs with that value that detects the transactional structure between the two sides. Perhaps paper, ink, writing in sand, the wall, and counting with pebbles were the basis for that tall building and the foundations for transcending countries beyond the sand.  ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ...

The limits are in knowledge, and the Lord is glorified about the like

The limits are in knowledge, and the Lord  is glorified about the like (the tongue of meaninge)                   Every individual and creature have a  knowledge that is similar to the other, perhaps in everything, but it varies with a degree of satiation and fulfillment, and this is what is called thinking.  -----------  But that value crystallizes into meanings that are shared by souls and mixed with each other in that eternal coexistence, until it receives that sense of living and devotional, and from this sense some (what is called comfort, pleasure and sweetness) and it is Feelings mixed with each other in the position of thinking and action, and the will produces motives, and life has the meanings of the possible and eternal gratification.  ---------  And the creation has found those bridges that surround each individual while he is in his place to every atom in that vast and vast universe ...


Visitors                                  (the tongue of meaninge)                                                   This word may infiltrate every soul  frequently throughout the days of his life, and it indicates a meaning of coexistence and exchange between creatures so that life can be completed with an abundance of tranquility and mutual assistance.  ----------  That is why each person addresses the other with all types of spectrum at every time and moment, with many alternatives to that communication.  It has a purely heartfelt meaning in two aspects:  The first is devotional  The second is physical  Visitors have many meanings and meanings.  How many times it has been used in every verb that results in plurals and large numbers. ...

Who are the devils, what are the myths and fantasies, and who are the jinn and humans

Who are the devils, what are the myths and fantasies, and who are the jinn and humans?/  The tongue of meanings .                The tongue of meanings  In everything you see and hear،, you find، yourself among the vast, enormous creation of that great and wonderful God. When that wilderness expanded, countless meanings and names were embodied with it, linking these vast creatures. Spiritual forces appeared within that nature that has sufficient satisfaction in everything it sees, for example, and thoughts and obsessions arose regarding the names of the hidden things that turned into a starting point for disbelief or belief in them. All of the divine books mentioned the names of creation and the created being with knowledge of God’s Sunnah in every article.  ______  The most famous of these names:  2-Man 2- Jinn 3-devils so who are they?  Man: Every creature has a language and a discourse with the rest of the creature...

The purposes of souls and the flow of souls

The purposes of souls and the flow of souls/the tongue of meanings .                The tongue of meanings   ________.  All creatures turn to their Lord, seeking Him during the hours of the night and before sunset, and whenever that need arises for that divine essence that is indispensable in the endosperm of every soul.  _____  This is due to that devotional destiny that is mixed with the feelings of every soul at every moment, no matter how much it drinks from the cup of disbelief or faith, because the All-Merciful Lord is the Provider and Preserver of every soul.... _____  When the night falls or the light shines during the day, the feelings of the creatures derive their light, the movement of their perseverance, their security, and their future. Their destinies are from that God.  _______  Purposes of souls:   The soul in the language is the individual, and the proverbial soul that trans...

Differentiation between souls

Differentiation between souls / Lisan Al-Ma’ani website  Every verse in the universe indicates the، Sunnah of obligation, without which existence will be drawn into extinction and annihilation, and all the verses of the divine heaven oblige every rational person to work of all kinds and warn against being led into neglect or abandoning these meals. The Lord has prepared a reward and a reward for every person who performs these duties, and a punishment for every neglector and sinner.  _______  These efforts come at levels that vary from one individual to another for the sake of that competition. Everyone knows that this is due to ways of imagining the one whose effort has reached the highest, and so on, and that the Sunnah of God arranges for all creatures the level of equality with all awareness, knowledge, and ability to bear every effort. What makes a difference in these efforts is when the person with the highest effort imagines and prevails over the whims of impossibl...

خليل مطران/قصيدة المساء

داء ألمّ فخلت فيه شفائي من صبوتي فتضاعفت بُرحائي يا للضعيفين إستبدا بي وما في الظلم مثل تحكّم الضعفاء قلب أذابته الصبابة والجوى وغلالة رثت من الأدواء والروح بينهما نسيم تنهد في حالي التصويب والصعداء والعقل كالمصباح يغشى نوره كدري ويضعفه نضوب دمائي هذا الذي أبقيتيه يامنيتي من أضلعي وحشاشتي وذكائي إني أقمت على التعل بالمنى في غربة قالوا تكون دوائي إن يشفي هذا الجسم طيب هواءها أيلطف النيران طيب هوائي؟ او يمسك الحوباء حسن مقامها هل مسكة في البعد للحوباء؟ عبث طوى في البلاد وعلة في علة منفاي لإستشفائي متفرد بصبابتي متفرد بكآبتي ومنفرد بعنائي شاكي الى البحر إضطراب خواطري فيجيبني برياحه الهوجاء ثاوي على صخر أصم وليت لي قلباً كهذه الصخرة الصماء يا للغروب وما به من عبرة للمستهام وعبرة للرائي ولقد ذكرتك والنهار مودع والقلب بين مهابة ورجاء فكأن آخر دمعة للكون قد مزجت بآخر أدمعي لرثائي وكأنني آنست يومي زائلاً فرأيت في المرآة كيف مسائي

Souls in the paths of life

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,               Lisan Al-Maani website .                The tongue of meanings when the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, completed His creation, He placed in the soul those souls that interact with the members of its kind and the rest of creation of different types. And He gave that a reason that leads to that eternal relationship with the various means of perception and the different senses, so that every creature can go to that practical and intellectual path. He did not make God is a restriction that hinders those relationships that prevail in all parts of His creation. Rather, He made for everything a path that multiplies and branches through those meetings until the year of difference and differentiation occurs. This is on all qualitative and homosexual levels, so you find men and women in the wording of the language and in the type of...